Making Pulao

So.. decided to start blogging again. What do I start with? Making Pulao!..Siby's coming of age blog post... For many years I have believed that I am a good cook, without ever having cooked anything. Confidence eh? Ok that's not really true..I have keenly observed all the happenings in the kitchen from a very young age. As a kid whenever we visited Kerala during summer vacations , I spent an inordinate amount of time in the kitchen earning me a nickname that I will not publish. Me and sis started making tea and toasting bread at a very young age, fresh breakfast for dad when he took his break from work. So there you go, have keenly watched and actively assisted, but never really really cooked anything complex all by myself And the best part, when you have lived at home all your life you don't have to! So now's the time, to put those imaginary skills to test. MTR and their likes have made it easier for wannabe cooks to take baby steps in their culinary journey. So I...