The email as a form of communication is more than 35 years old now and the way it is used to inform has evolved over the last few years or has it? Have you received notifications from government agencies, HR departments, utility companies et al that clearly do not want to carry on a conversation. While most marketing organizations around the world are trying to "engage" the end consumer through all the social media channels, here is one place where we are categorically stating , do not! WE WILL NOT RESPOND! But sometimes that's not easy to convey, why suddenly would email not work?! We know that's how most business communicate these days. So to ensure that the message is got across in a more obvious way we have creative folks conjuring email addresses that will discourage even the bravehearts from giving it a shot,
This is a restaurant tucked away in between the busy streets of Gandhinagar in Bangalore. It's definitely not haute cuisine, but if you wanted a taste of the everyday gruel that most Kanandigas enjoy, it's the best place. Located on the road parallel to the national market road (can't recall the name now!), the name that most people know the restaurant by is practically invisible and is overshadowed by the prominently displayed ‘G M Boarding & Restaurant’. If you weren't looking for it you could mistake it for one more of the cheap and ubiquitous darshinis/fast food joints that populate the city and give it the go by. The walls are dirty and there is a large hall with three rows of 4-seater tables. You are encouraged to share tables with strangers, if you're group with less than four members, we ended up sharing ours with a constable taking his lunch break. Steel plates with rounded edges are already placed on the table. A server comes around with hot water whic...
In accordance with the new regulations from TRAI, DTH operators such as Tat Sky have been asked to allow customers to choose the channels that they want to view, instead of being forced to purchase packs. This comes into effect from February 01' 2019. The below prices may be only for the South region. For most updated information please go the the Tata Sky website Tata Sky finally announced their tariffs on their website a few days back. Below is the list of channels available on Tata Sky and the price for each channel. There are 265 free channels, (Price = 0.00) 10 TV India News MP CH Raj News Kannada 9X Jalwa India News Punjab Raj News Malayalam 9X Jhakaas India News Rajasthan Raj News Telugu 9XM India News Uttar Pradesh Rajya Sabha 9x Tashan India TV Ramdhenu TV A1 TV India Voice Rang TV ...